Certified and trained life coach. And more.

As a strong supporter of the human spirit, I have always been fascinated by how people aim to achieve the ultimate balance between body and mind. My experience at Chenot Group within the wellness medical and spa industry allowed me to widen my horizons and understand the importance of being intentional in our actions.
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Action oriented
Business acumen
Driven for results
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Person-centred approach
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Continuous improvement
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Managing vision and purpose
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Driven for results
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Intellectual horsepower
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Strategic agility

A catalyst for problem solving

As my long-lasting goal is to achieve great results while guiding you towards self-consciousness and success, we will focus on defining your personal aspirations as well as planning specifically how to overcome challenges in your unique circumstances.

What shaped my journey



Graduated in Switzerland and mastered my studies in the US shortly before getting a MBA in Italy.

Health & Wellness

Covered the role of Communication Specialist for the Chenot Group and its affiliates.


Deepened my interest in mind wellness attending Marisa Peer's courses and lessons.


Achieved great results with those therapies on myself and I'm now ready to empower yourself.

Reclaim your self-worth

Become the very best version of yourself.
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